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 crucifying 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 十字架上钉死;诋毁,不断地严厉批评;折磨,迫害(crucify 的现在分词)

  1. Jesus loves crucifying me.
  2. But this crucifying of me is unacceptable.
  3. Don't look at it as people crucifying your coding style.

Crucify \Cru"ci*fy\ (-f?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crucified}
(-f?d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Crucifying}.] [F. crucifier, fr.
(assumed) LL. crucificare, for crucifigere, fr, L. crux,
crucis, cross + figere to fix, the ending -figere being
changed to -ficare, F. -fier (in compounds), as if fr. L.
facere to do, make. See {Cross}, and {Fix}, and cf.
1. To fasten to a cross; to put to death by nailing the hands
and feet to a cross or gibbet.

They cried, saying, Crucify him, cricify him. --Luke
xxiii. 21.

2. To destroy the power or ruling influence of; to subdue
completely; to mortify.

They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh,
with the affections and lusts. --Gal. v. 24.

3. To vex or torment. --Beau. & FL.

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