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 cronyism ['krəʊniizɚm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 任人唯亲

  1. Many small town mayor and city official practice cronyism.
  2. This explains why Philippine officials are often accused of taking bribes and cronyism.
  3. Many Palestinians rejected him as a symbol of corruption and cronyism, propelling long-held dissatisfaction into the open.

[ noun ]
favoritism shown to friends and associates (as by appointing them to positions without regard for their qualifications)

  1. Like many sophisticated Americans, David Hale, chief economist with Kemper Financial Services in Chicago, is not unduly surprised by the stories of alleged influence and cronyism seeping out about Arkansas, home state of the Clintons.
  2. Sgt. Ronald L. Richardson, executive director of the newly organized Capitol Police chapter of the National Black Police Association, said "cronyism and nepotism" still exist in promotions, assignments and training for advancement.
  3. Mr. Fomon allowed many of his old investment-banking associates to report directly to him, thus turning the department into what some Hutton officials say was a haven for cronyism, where expense accounts grew faster than revenue.
  4. Meanwhile, the court is facing a problem that has nagged it for years: cronyism.
  5. The family-owned company had a reputation for cronyism, and had been hurt by a revolving door in its editorial and executive suites.
  6. Not surprisingly, the vast state machinery became permeated by cronyism and corruption, economic growth slackened, and toward the end of the Brezhnev era the Soviet system displayed the classical signs of bureaucratic stagnation.
  7. The opposition charged the National Front with economic mismanagement and cronyism and said it was indifferent to ethnic tensions and eroding judicial powers.
  8. On the GOP side, Bush distanced himself from charges of "cronyism" and "mean-spiritedness" that his campaign has been leveling at chief rival Dole.
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