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 crested ['krestid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有顶饰的, 有冠毛的, 有饰章的

  1. As we crested the hill, we saw the castle.
    我们登上山顶, 看见了城堡.
  2. Crested the ridge.
  3. The stately mansion crested the hill.

[ adj ]
  1. bearing an heraldic device

  2. <adj.all>
  3. (of a bird or animal) having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head; often used in combination

  4. <adj.all>
    golden crested
    crested iris
    crested oriole
    tufted duck
    tufted loosestrife
  5. (of a knight's helmet) having a decorative plume

  6. <adj.all>

Crest \Crest\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crested}; p. pr. & vb. n.
1. To furnish with, or surmount as, a crest; to serve as a
crest for.

His legs bestrid the ocean, his reared arm
Crested the world. --Shak.

Mid groves of clouds that crest the mountain's brow.

2. To mark with lines or streaks, like, or regarded as like,
waving plumes.

Like as the shining sky in summer's night, . . .
Is crested with lines of fiery light. --Spenser.

Crested \Crest"ed\ (kr[e^]st"[e^]d), a.
1. Having a crest.

But laced crested helm. --Dryden.

2. (Zo["o]l.) Having a crest of feathers or hair upon the
head. ``The crested bird.'' --Dryden.

3. (Bott.) Bearing any elevated appendage like a crest, as an
elevated line or ridge, or a tuft. --Gray.

decorated \decorated\ adj.
having decorations. [Narrower terms: {beaded, beady,
bejeweled, bejewelled, bespangled, gemmed, jeweled, jewelled,
sequined, spangled, spangly}; {bedaubed}; {bespectacled,
monocled, spectacled}; {braided}; {brocaded, embossed,
raised}; {buttony}; {carbuncled}; {champleve, cloisonne,
enameled}; {crested, plumed having a decorative plume)};
{crested, top-knotted, topknotted, tufted}; {crested};
{embellished, ornamented, ornate}; {embroidered}; {encircled,
ringed, wreathed}; {fancied up, gussied, gussied up, tricked
out}; {feathery, feathered, plumy}; {frilled, frilly,
ruffled}; {fringed}; {gilt-edged}; {inflamed}; {inlaid};
{inwrought}; {laced}; {mosaic, tessellated}; {paneled,
wainscoted}; {studded}; {tapestried}; {tasseled, tasselled};
{tufted}; {clinquant, tinseled, tinselly}; {tricked-out}]
Also See: {clothed}, {fancy}. Antonym: {unadorned}.

Syn: adorned.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. The Red River crested Tuesday evening at Shreveport, Louisiana's second biggest city, and was expected to crest Sunday at Alexandria.
  2. Loans to heavily indebted corporations, so-called HLT loans, "have crested" and were not a factor in the special charge, Mr. Rademacher said.
  3. The Choctawhatchee River crested at Caryville overnight at 21 feet, or 9 feet above flood stage.
  4. Last week's activism crested with a march of 150,000 students and their supporters in China's capital.
  5. The Red River crested 8 feet above flood stage Thursday at Fulton and closed westbound lanes of Interstate 30. Two other state highways near the Texas line also are closed and expected to remain so for up to two weeks.
  6. But, although typical hartstongue has undivided fronds, there are forms which are pruned or crested, the fronds splitting at the top into smaller sections.
  7. In the Pennsylvania town of Ridgway, about 200 people were evacuated Tuesday and Wednesday before the Clarion River crested at about 6 feet over flood stage, said county Emergency Management Coordinator Ed Zettle.
  8. The Arkansas River crested at about 35 feet there Saturday, 13 feet above flood stage.
  9. The Trinity crested at Dallas on Thursday, forcing hundreds from their homes.
  10. As we crested the top of the stairs panting under our load of luggage, we were sighted by a boat official, who started rearranging the passengers on the deck.
  11. The rain-swollen Ohio River crested Saturday at 52.2 feet, inches above flood stage, and was falling Sunday.
  12. At least 5,000 boats carrying tens of thousands of fishermen were in the bay when the storm-driven waves crested up to 5 feet higher than normal Monday, the Bengali-language newspaper Dainik Bangla said.
  13. The train crested the summit of Cajon Pass at 30 mph with engineer Frank Holland believing the loaded train weighed 6,151 tons and had full braking capability on at least four locomotives, according to testimony by Holland and Pugh.
  14. The Mississippi River at St. Louis crested at 33 feet, 3 feet above flood stage, and was expected to drop 6 feet by Tuesday.
  15. Three national polls Thursday said Gov. Michael Duakis' post-convention surge has crested, but they differed on the level of backing for Vice President George Bush.
  16. In villages above the cloud line, ragged children played in the dirt. We crested a last ridge and arrived in Constansa.
  17. The Rivianna River in Palmyra crested about 10 feet above flood levels Saturday, and the Appomattox rose slightly above flood levels Sunday morning.
  18. Three national polls released Thursday showed Dukakis' post-convention surge had crested.
  19. In Louisiana, the Red River crested Tuesday at 34.5 feet at Shreveport, about 4.5 feet above flood stage, a day early and nearly a foot below the predicted crest.
  20. All of this comes 90 years after the bicycle craze crested in America.
  21. It crested Monday at 644.76 feet, dipped to 641.4 Friday, but still sloshes window-high on mobile homes once 100 feet from its shore.
  22. One town was an island and unknown number of people were homeless Friday in flood-stricken Kentucky, where several swollen rivers crested and began to recede, and sodden areas of Tennessee got a fifth consecutive day of rain.
  23. The Kentucky River crested today at 44.2 feet _ more than 13 feet above flood stage _ at Frankfort in central Kentucky, and several other rivers and streams also began receding, the National Weather Service said.
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