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 credited 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 记入贷方,信用
vbl. 记入贷方,信用

  1. He lost his credit card.
  2. I have also credited you for premium of insurance$42,500, the account thereof having been found correct.

[ adj ]
(usually followed by `to') given credit for
an invention credited to Edison

Credit \Cred"it\ (kr[e^]d"[i^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Credited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Crediting}.]
1. To confide in the truth of; to give credence to; to put
trust in; to believe.

How shall they credit
A poor unlearned virgin? --Shak.

2. To bring honor or repute upon; to do credit to; to raise
the estimation of.

You credit the church as much by your government as
you did the school formerly by your wit. --South.

3. (Bookkeeping) To enter upon the credit side of an account;
to give credit for; as, to credit the amount paid; to set
to the credit of; as, to credit a man with the interest
paid on a bond.

{To credit with}, to give credit for; to assign as justly due
to any one.

Crove, Helmholtz, and Meyer, are more than any
others to be credited with the clear enunciation of
this doctrine. --Newman.

  1. Chris Pountain, insurance analyst for Morgan Stanley International in London, was generally credited with triggering the selling Thursday.
  2. The Mallicks paid off their loans in December 1980 by selling Mallightco a 1979 Cadillac Seville valued at $10,575 and credited against the loans.
  3. Pearlstine credited the Journal's thorough coverage of the scandal for restoring the paper's credibility.
  4. The support was solid for the free trade agreement in Mulroney's native Quebec, the French-speaking province where entrepreneurship is credited for a 1980s economic revival, and in the Western oil-and-gas center of Alberta.
  5. The intervention is partly credited for the dollar's stability this month; but so is the coaxing by the Tokyo government.
  6. The Easter advertising season will be credited to this year's second quarter rather than the first because the holiday fell in April this year instead of March as it did in 1989.
  7. Damaso Perez Prado, who was credited with popularizing the Caribbean music known as mambo in the 1940s and '50s, died Thursday after suffering a stroke, his son said.
  8. All the brilliant phases and historic oratory they crafted were credited to others.
  9. It's often credited to Thomas Jefferson, but he left no record of having said it, and for that we can be thankful: Self-proclaimed patriots of many lands have used the quotation as justification for suspension of civil liberties.
  10. Total deposits in the nation's 2,934 S&Ls, after counting interest credited to depositors' accounts, grew by $587 million during May to $955.2 billion.
  11. Rabin credited the use of plastic bullets against stone throwers for a recent upsurge in casualties and said they reduced violence in the territories.
  12. James Cook, who was credited with discovering Australia in 1770.
  13. On the album, group producer Frank Farian and two others are credited with writing the song.
  14. Dunne, 59, of Garden City, is credited with helping reform the state's prison system following the deadly riot at Attica Prison in 1971.
  15. Mr. Miller, who is widely credited with turning around the chain, isn't expected to stay, because he would likely lose his autonomy.
  16. He credited Taito ward with trying to work out a compromise.
  17. As in the early stages of 1987, they lately have been credited on several occasions with helping to drive stock prices higher through their so-called index arbitrage activity.
  18. Stinger missiles, which Washington began supplying to the guerrillas almost two years ago, are credited with inflicting costly losses on Moscow's air force during the nine-year Soviet military intervention that ended last month.
  19. NED HAIG and David Sanderson are the two Scotsmen credited with inventing seven-a-side rugby late in the last century - the first tournament was held at Melrose in 1883.
  20. The gain was credited to extraordinary income derived from sales of securities, cost-reduction measures and booming sales, which rose to 102.01 billion yen from 79.78 billion yen.
  21. In 1846, two people are credited with the discovery of Neptune, the eighth, the English astronomer John C. Adams and the French mathematician Urbain J.J. Leverrier.
  22. The department's chief is Michael Milken, who is credited with almost single-handedly creating the huge market for high-yield, high-risk bonds, which fueled the unprecedented takeover boom of recent years.
  23. A fiscal conservative, Meyner was credited with keeping a balanced state budget, and with ably administering basic state needs such as water supply and land management.
  24. He credited it to organizing by students and dedicated volunteers _ the campaign had only two paid staff people in Maine.
  25. Sacramento County Sheriff's Sgt. Tennise Allen credited the Sunday night showing of Fox Broadcasting Co.'s "America's Most Wanted" with bringing about Mack's arrest.
  26. New-home sales shot up 8.4 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 734,000 units, the fastest sales rate in 16 months. Analysts credited renewed consumer confidence for the rebound in sales after a sluggish period earlier this spring.
  27. The Tory tax bombshells due to rain down on us next year, including the highly unpopular value added tax on domestic fuel, were three times credited to his predecessor. In this way, blame for anything Mr Clarke may impose in November is minimised.
  28. From there he became executive assistant to George Kosich, then Hudson's Bay's executive vice president, who is credited with reinvigorating what had been a money-losing company.
  29. The A.T. Massey Coal Co., Rum Creek Coal's parent company, credited police for keeping the peace.
  30. Bitkower joined Alcoholics Anonymous, but he also credited Ted Cohen, a family friend who had begun helping lawyers with alcohol problems.
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