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 coping ['kopɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 墙压顶, 顶部, 顶盖, 墙的顶部

[医] 盖

  1. Coping with child rearing and a full-time job.
  2. The police are coping with the problem at the moment, but in the long view the government will be forced to bring in new legislation.
  3. Lenovo is also coping with the pressures of success.

[ noun ]
brick that is laid sideways at the top of a wall

Cope \Cope\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Coped} (k[=o]pt); p. pr. & vb.
n. {Coping}.] [OE. copen, coupen, to buy, bargain, prob. from
D. koopen to buy, orig., to bargain. See {Cheap}.]
1. To exchange or barter. [Obs.] --Spenser.

2. To encounter; to meet; to have to do with.

Horatio, thou art e'en as just a man
As e'er my conversation coped withal. --Shak.

3. To enter into or maintain a hostile contest; to struggle;
to combat; especially, to strive or contend on equal terms
or with success; to match; to equal; -- usually followed
by with.

Host coped with host, dire was the din of war.

Their generals have not been able to cope with the
troops of Athens. --Addison.

Coping \Cop"ing\, n. [See {Cope}, n.] (Arch.)
The highest or covering course of masonry in a wall, often
with sloping edges to carry off water; -- sometimes called
{capping}. --Gwill.

  1. In Indonesia, Mrs. Quayle will travel from the capital to learn about coping with volcanic eruptions, and in Singapore, she'll find out about cleaning up oil spills.
  2. These implications underscore the theory, held by many in the field, that early intervention with antiviral treatments could hold promise in coping with the epidemic.
  3. The baboon that's best at coping with stress is the one that seeks emotional backing from other baboons (support groups, if you will), the researchers found.
  4. Second, while the Treaty of Paris exists, it still provides a framework for coping with such crises. Commissioners on both the free-market and interventionist wings of the EC executive agree that the situation is grave.
  5. Mr. Bresser Pereira commended Philippine Finance Minister Jaime Ongpin for his recent call for a rethinking of the present method of coping with the debt burdens of developing countries.
  6. Codes should include guidance on who an employee should speak to, ethical dilemmas and ways of coping, and give a clear statement from the company of the ethical conduct it intended to follow.
  7. Barnett, for instance, is coping with its own growing pile of troubled real-estate loans.
  8. Among Sciascia's best-known works were "The Day of the Owl," "The Sicilian Relatives" and "The Wine-Dark Sea," a collection of short stories about Sicilians coping with authority figures.
  9. It seems that every day a new movie opens featuring a child coping with a mother's death, or adoption, or aging parents, or pregnancy.
  10. Ireland, 52, is still scheduling appearances to promote her new book "Life Lines," which is about coping with adversity.
  11. The responses to coping with long-term medical payments for a family member seemed especially significant.
  12. One recruit lost 44 pounds; all soon were coping with forced marches and 100 push-ups a day.
  13. They then raided the meeting, detaining and demanding identification from the participants, who were discussing legal strategy for coping with stepped-up police enforcement, says Bruce Randall, a lawyer for the bookstores who was present.
  14. Dan Stanton of BDO Seidman, CPAs, welcomes the move; "everyone worried" about coping with the rules.
  15. Romania's 23 million citizens are largely preoccupied in coping with severe food shortages.
  16. They debate its origins and whether it amounts to a "social crisis" or is a way of coping with stress.
  17. Other firms are coping in other ways.
  18. While that warming doesn't sound like much, it would be greater than any climate change in human history, Mintzer pointed out, meaning there is no precedent for coping with such a shift.
  19. It also suggests strategies for time management, improving relationships with colleagues, and coping with corporate change. Litchfield warns against companies using such programmes to let them off the hook.
  20. This is how we're coping," says Vicki Riendeau, chewing a candy bar with her legs up on the desk. "If this keeps up, I'll be a raving lunatic.
  21. It is not an overtly political play, but Wilson addresses the era's politics obliquely in the characters' varying methods of coping - or not - with life in the white man's world.
  22. Allied Dunbar seems to be coping well enough with the regulatory squeeze in life insurance.
  23. As we enter the 1990s, we are again evolving toward a system in which those least capable of coping with hospital line-item prices are the only people asked to pay those prices.
  24. And when visiting any town's Main Street, we suggest the President try to avoid getting trapped into discussing with small-business men how they're coping with the Americans With Disabilities Act.
  25. "We are coping with the pressures of a difficult industry and economic environment," said Tom Gunn, president of the helicopter unit.
  26. "We have never recommended calendar spraying when other options are available," he said. "Would you take an aspirin if you didn't have a headache?" For these growers, migranes are reserved for coping with apple prices.
  27. It was hard in Canada - but I have no horror stories." He predicted that the hardest part will be coping with the lines and the volume that the first restaurants will generate.
  28. Guides from Japan Railways show visitors to Tappi and Yoshioka some of the ways of coping with emergencies.
  29. Honda isn't the only Japanese auto maker coping with slow sales by storing cars.
  30. Both films tell about a group of teenagers coping with their conflicting desires for rebellion and conformity.
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