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 cookout ['kʊkaʊt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 在外面野餐的郊游

  1. I've been invited to a cookout this weekend.
  2. Why don't you guys come over for a cookout on Friday night?
  3. Cab driver: For twenty dollars I'll take you to a Ku Klux Klan cookout!

[ noun ]
an informal meal cooked and eaten outdoors

  1. Indeed, that is what had taken her to Chappaquiddick that July weekend, a cookout and reunion for a dozen men and women who had worked in Robert's 1968 campaign.
  2. Soviet and American peace walkers journeyed westward across Iowa today after spending nearly a week in the eastern part of the state and celebrating the Fourth of July with a parade and cookout.
  3. The youths attended a cookout and swimming party at the home of Esther Coopersmith, a trustee of the Children's Museum.
  4. They are considering a summer cookout for neighbors, featuring home-grown sweet corn and shrimp.
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