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 consistory [kən'sɪstərɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 宗教法庭, 议会会场, 教会议会

[法] 宗教法庭, 宗教会议

    [ noun ]
    a church tribunal or governing body

    Consistory \Con*sis"to*ry\ (? or ?; 277) n.; pl. {Consistories}.
    [L. consistorium a place of assembly, the place where the
    emperor's council met, fr. consistere: cf. F. consistoire,
    It. consistorio. See {Consist}.]
    1. Primarily, a place of standing or staying together; hence,
    any solemn assembly or council.

    To council summons all his mighty peers,
    Within thick clouds and dark tenfold involved,
    A gloomy consistory. --Milton.

    2. (Eng. Ch.) The spiritual court of a diocesan bishop held
    before his chancellor or commissioner in his cathedral
    church or elsewhere. --Hook.

    3. (R. C. Ch.) An assembly of prelates; a session of the
    college of cardinals at Rome.

    Pius was then hearing of causes in consistory.

    4. A church tribunal or governing body.

    Note: In some churches, as the Dutch Reformed in America, a
    consistory is composed of the minister and elders of an
    individual church, corresponding to a Presbyterian
    church session, and in others, as the Reformed church
    in France, it is composed of ministers and elders,
    corresponding to a presbytery. In some Lutheran
    countries it is a body of clerical and lay officers
    appointed by the sovereign to superintend
    ecclesiastical affairs.

    5. A civil court of justice. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

    Consistory \Con*sis"to*ry\, a.
    Of the nature of, or pertaining to, a consistory. ``To hold
    consistory session.'' --Strype.

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