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 conclusively [kən'klusivli添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 最后, 释疑, 确定性, 结论性

  1. No human tumor has yet been conclusively shown to be viral in origin.
  2. Recent work has shown conclusively that the epicuticle is discontinuous.
  3. For renal disease, an etiologic relationship has not been established conclusively.

[ adv ]
in a conclusive way
we settled the problem conclusively

Conclusively \Con*clu"sive*ly\, adv.
In the way of conclusion; decisively; positively. --Burke.

  1. And he said that, overall, deregulation has "conclusively" benefited consumers.
  2. Ciba-Geigy officials deny its operations in any way endanger health and, of course, direct linkages between cause and effect are notoriously difficult to prove conclusively.
  3. The prosecution said Boggs lured Greene from a North Hollywood bar to his medical office in April 1988 and suffocated him, although the cause of death was never conclusively proved through medical evidence.
  4. Federal Prosecutor Karl-Heinz Schnarr said evidence, including wiretaps and fingerprints, proved conclusively that Abbas Hamadi was involved in the kidnappings.
  5. Then, using a spreadsheet program, our entrepreneur will fill dozens of pages more with projections documenting conclusively that the new firm's sales will reach $100 million in three years; all that's needed is $5 million of someone else's money.
  6. The prosecution said Boggs lured Greene from a bar to his medical office in April 1988 and suffocated him, although the cause of death was never conclusively proved through medical evidence.
  7. There are no surveys conclusively showing any danger from the radiation given off by video display terminals.
  8. Marion County Deputy Coroner Charles W. Green said he could not conclusively identify the dead child discovered by rescue workers Monday morning until after dental records were checked.
  9. They are asking the public to ratify, finally and conclusively, the rising domestic spending levels Congress has legislated over the past 10 years, a process that every Reagan budget has attempted to reverse.
  10. But the department hadn't yet decided whether its information conclusively showed that BCCI controlled First American.
  11. The onus is now on the industry to demonstrate conclusively that substantial price differences do not exist, or that they are due entirely to normal business costs.
  12. But the Cubans have proved conclusively that the box can be beaten: Every one of the Cuban double agents identified by Maj. Azpillaga had passed at least one CIA polygraph exam.
  13. The existence of the crack had been announced previously. Spokesmen for the FAA and the NTSB said it was too early to determine conclusively what caused the crash, and that it was up to the NTSB.
  14. Since the Church of England has broken conclusively with the world-wide Catholic Church by declaring that women shall be priests, it might as well go the whole rationalist hog and break with Pope Gregory's calendar.
  15. It talks loudly and often conclusively, but not so loudly that other considerations aren't heard, especially if they are colored by patriotic or national security concerns.
  16. Several objective studies have proven conclusively that the carriers enjoy a huge market share and economic advantage due to their ownership of the reservation systems.
  17. Recent economic reports, especially Friday's employment report, "were enough of a mixed bag that you couldn't conclusively draw an opinion about what is happening in the economy," he said.
  18. Investigators, though, could not prove it conclusively, the source said.
  19. That Leonard is a brave man was proved conclusively by his presence at the Tuesday afternoon gathering here and a similar one Tuesday morning in Detroit.
  20. It must show conclusively that an accused person is guilty before he or she can be convicted.
  21. Oct. 30 - The defense, in written closing arguments, says the government failed to prove Milken guilty of the additional crimes. Prosecutors sat they proved their case conclusively.
  22. After retesting, he adds, CAMI's error was "demonstrated conclusively."
  23. That comes out conclusively in "Ambassador in Paris: The Reagan Years" (Regnery Gateway, 160 pages, $16.95).
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