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 collusive [kə'lusɪv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 共谋的

  1. Then, following the detailed design concerning the collusive materials and kitchen ware.
  2. This paper expounds the current problems existing in our country's government procurement from aspects of the group corruption and collusive behavior, the recognition and management of the procurement contract, the supervision

[ adj ]
acting together in secret toward a fraudulent or illegal end

Collusive \Col*lu"sive\, a.
1. Characterized by collusion; done or planned in collusion.
``Collusive and sophistical arguings.'' --J. Trapp.
``Collusive divorces.'' --Strype.

2. Acting in collusion. ``Collusive parties.'' --Burke. --
{Col*lu"sive*ly}, adv. -- {Col*lu"sive*ness}, n.

  1. The English (ascending bid) auction is particularly vulnerable to collusive "polls," more commonly known as "rings" in the history of auctions (Your Money Matters, Feb. 19).
  2. Under pressure from U.S. trade officials, who assert that collusive behavior in certain Japanese industries shuts out imports, Japan's FTC has recently been turning up the heat on cartels.
  3. Such pricing interplay, which critics consider collusive, has become common in recent years as airlines establish hubs of operations where they control most of the market.
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