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 cleavage ['klivɪdʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 劈开, 裂片, 分裂

[化] 解理

[医] 裂, 分裂; 卵裂

  1. That new gown shows a large amount of (her) cleavage!
  2. My mom will kill me if she sees too much cleavage.
  3. Are those your eyeballs? I found them in my cleavage.

[ noun ]
  1. the state of being split or cleft

  2. <noun.state>
    there was a cleavage between the liberal and conservative members
  3. the breaking of a chemical bond in a molecule resulting in smaller molecules

  4. <noun.process>
  5. (embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum

  6. <noun.process>
  7. the line formed by a groove between two parts (especially the separation between a woman's breasts)

  8. <noun.body>
  9. the act of cleaving or splitting

  10. <noun.act>

Cleavage \Cleav"age\, n.
1. The act of cleaving or splitting.

2. (Crystallog.) The quality possessed by many crystallized
substances of splitting readily in one or more definite
directions, in which the cohesive attraction is a minimum,
affording more or less smooth surfaces; the direction of
the dividing plane; a fragment obtained by cleaving, as of
a diamond. See {Parting}.

3. (Geol.) Division into lamin[ae], like slate, with the
lamination not necessarily parallel to the plane of
deposition; -- usually produced by pressure.

{Basal cleavage}, cleavage parallel to the base of a crystal,
or to the plane of the lateral axes.

{Cell cleavage} (Biol.), multiplication of cells by fission.
See {Segmentation}.

{Cubic cleavage}, cleavage parallel to the faces of a cube.

{Diagonal cleavage}, cleavage parallel to ta diagonal plane.

{Egg clavage}. (Biol.) See {Segmentation}.

{Lateral cleavage}, cleavage parallel to the lateral planes.

{Octahedral cleavage}, {Dodecahedral cleavage}, or
{Rhombohedral cleavage}, cleavage parallel to the faces of an
octahedron, dodecahedron, or rhombohedron.

{Prismatic cleavage}, cleavage parallel to a vertical prism.

  1. The researchers believe the cleavage step is critical to the virus' infectivity because it makes the virus' envelope protein "sticky," which allows it to fuse to the membrane of a cell it seeks to infect.
  2. And he urged the campaign to frame the issue in terms of "the cleavage between us and them."
  3. There is, he explains, 'no cleavage in ideology' among the European central bank governors that make up the EMI's council.
  4. In contrast to the 1981 presidential election, which featured a clear ideological choice between Socialism and free-market liberalism, the traditional cleavage has disappeared.
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