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 clandestinely 添加此单词到默认生词本
秘密地, 暗中地

    Clandestine \Clan*des"tine\, a. [L. clandestinus, fr. clam
    secretly; akin to celare, E. conceal: cf. F. clandestin.]
    Conducted with secrecy; withdrawn from public notice, usually
    for an evil purpose; kept secret; hidden; private; underhand;
    as, a clandestine marriage. --Locke.

    Syn: Hidden; secret; private; concealed; underhand; sly;
    stealthy; surreptitious; furtive; fraudulent. --
    {Clan*des"tine*ly}, adv. -- {Clan*des"tine*ness}, n.

    1. In the sequel, Kunta Kinte (Burton) and Fiddler (Gossett) clandestinely plan to lead a group of slaves to freedom on Christmas Eve in 1770.
    2. The march in the Nablus casbah by men from PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction represented a rare show of defiance against the uprising leadership, which has directed the nearly 27-month-old revolt through clandestinely produced leaflets.
    3. Court papers contain the transcript of a conversation clandestinely recorded at Hamdan's apartment on Cyprus, in which Younis said he was picked for the hijacking by the head of Amal, Nabih Berri, who is also Lebanon's justice minister.
    4. The racial weighting has generally been done clandestinely.
    5. 'Why should we have to field candidates clandestinely?
    6. The money for such equipment as fax machines and copiers and material will have to be taken clandestinely into China by students returning home or by other friends of the movement, organizers said Wednesday.
    7. U.S. District Judge Stephen Wilson rejected Hollywood Park's claims that Mr. Hubbard and two dissidents on the board, Harry Ornest and Thomas Gamel, have clandestinely acted in concert to acquire control of Hollywood Park.
    8. GAO and IRS agreed to work together on one test of the telephone-assistance system and hammered out 62 questions that IRS officials are expected to ask clandestinely about 15,000 times this filing season.
    9. Many contributions enter the territories clandestinely.
    10. Several groups went underground and worked clandestinely after the ban.
    11. The Opera House sported a huge pair of sunglasses for about an hour today, put there clandestinely by the environmental group Greenpeace to demonstrate concern about ozone depletion.
    12. Everything Khomeini said in his daily homily was tape recorded and played over the phone to supporters in Iran who would rerecord the speech and circulate it clandestinely.
    13. Juries in the trials of Akbar and Baakza heard tapes made clandestinely in a U.S. Customs Service sting operation.
    14. The programs survived clandestinely, with occasional brief periods of legalization, until restrictions were lifted in 1988.
    15. The front has been forced to operate clandestinely since February 1988, when it was among 17 groups prohibited from conducting any activities.
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