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 capable ['keipәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有能力的, 能的, 能干的

  1. He is a very capable doctor.
  2. Our position is capable of improvement.
  3. He's a capable businessman, is he?

[ adj ]
  1. (usually followed by `of') having capacity or ability

  2. <adj.all>
    capable of winning
    capable of hard work
    capable of walking on two feet
  3. (followed by `of') having the temperament or inclination for

  4. <adj.all>
    no one believed her capable of murder
  5. possibly accepting or permitting

  6. <adj.all>
    a passage capable of misinterpretation
    open to interpretation
    an issue open to question
    the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation
  7. having the requisite qualities for

  8. <adj.all>
    equal to the task
    the work isn't up to the standard I require
  9. have the skills and qualifications to do things well

  10. <adj.all>
    able teachers
    a capable administrator
    children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable

Capable \Ca"pa*ble\, a. [F. capable, LL. capabilis capacious,
capable, fr. L. caper to take, contain. See {Heave}.]
1. Possessing ability, qualification, or susceptibility;
having capacity; of sufficient size or strength; as, a
room capable of holding a large number; a castle capable
of resisting a long assault.

Concious of joy and capable of pain. --Prior.

2. Possessing adequate power; qualified; able; fully
competent; as, a capable instructor; a capable judge; a
mind capable of nice investigations.

More capable to discourse of battles than to give
them. --Motley.

3. Possessing legal power or capacity; as, a man capable of
making a contract, or a will.

4. Capacious; large; comprehensive. [Obs.] --Shak.

Note: Capable is usually followed by of, sometimes by an

Syn: Able; competent; qualified; fitted; efficient;
effective; skillful.

  1. Both the 9,600-ton Bunker Hill and the 7,810-ton Fife are capable of deploying Tomahawk missiles.
  2. The PC1264 was commissioned to demonstrate whether blacks could be capable seamen.
  3. So is Volcker capable of moving the market? "No.
  4. His business background "distinguishes me as a person who had vision, who's worked very, very hard (and) who's been able to attract and motivate highly capable people," he said.
  5. The power plant, which turns a single propeller, is said to be capable of developing 22,000 shaft horsepower.
  6. "They are more psychologically capable" than older eastern Europeans in seeking out Mensa, Vincent said.
  7. He is still quite capable of living down to his poor image.
  8. The better party is one with 100,000 members and (capable of getting) 1 million votes, than a party with 1 million members and only 100,000 votes," he said.
  9. But dermatologists have praised the drug as the only one on the market capable of curing the severe acne that causes deep scarring.
  10. Anticipating the loss of amenities or property values, potentially affected property owners unite into a group capable of bending government to its will.
  11. Expanding on an earlier campaign pledge, Bush also said he would seek to persuade the Soviet Union and China to join industrial nations of the West in forging new restrictions on the sale of missiles capable of carrying chemical weapons.
  12. On the 12-point Soviet scale, a 5-point earthquake is considered capable of shaking buildings, furniture and cracking windows and plaster.
  13. The country has manufacturers of 'world-class standard' and 150m-200m people capable of buying 'world-class goods'.
  14. If the trading and competitive environments improve then it is capable of being very profitable indeed.'
  15. Since April, Britain and several other European countries have impounded Iraq-bound parts of what they characterized as a "super gun" capable of firing nuclear or chemical warheads hundreds of miles to Iranian or Israeli territory.
  16. The sources said the Libyan shipments have included heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, quantities of commercial explosives and Soviet-made SAM-7 surface-to-air missiles capable of downing helicopters and other aircraft.
  17. We have over 2 million willing, capable, and dedicated people in the department who, if given the chance, can play a major role in providing for a strong and fiscally sound national defense.
  18. He says Pakistan hasn't yet assembled a bomb, but now is capable of producing a nuclear weapon in less than a week.
  19. The United States and Soviet Union each have satellites capable of detailed ground monitoring even at night and through clouds.
  20. The proliferation of ballistic missiles in the region and suspicions that Iraq, Libya and Syria either have or are capable of producing chemical or biological weapons compound the dangers.
  21. Capitalism has consistently showed itself capable of refuting Malthus's ancient prediction that food production could not keep up with population.
  22. PERPETUAL has proved itself capable of producing consistently above-average performance from its fund management business and its shares have reflected this success.
  23. A magnitude 6.7 quake is considered capable of causing severe damage in a populated area.
  24. A tiny woman with a will of iron, she is capable of dragging the Abbey into the 1990s, if anyone is. Her road to success was an unlikely one.
  25. King Fahd said Monday Saudi Arabia would pursue plans to bolster its defenses, dismissing veiled Israeli threats to the kingdom after it bought intermediate-range missiles capable of hitting any Mideast capital.
  26. You are not capable of it," he said. "I am beyond your experience.
  27. It's a $45 million complex capable of seating 2,000 and believed to be the biggest Islamic house of worship in all of Europe.
  28. The spokesman did, however, describe the jet as being capable of flying in the "high subsonic range," or about 600 mph.
  29. The survey data was analyzed by ICF Inc., a Washington consulting firm, which concluded that of the 1.9 million older people who are willing and able to work, 1.1 million are highly committed to and capable of rejoining the work force.
  30. France still lacks a single powerful conservative party capable of dominating the political scene as the Tories do in Britain or the Christian Democrats in Germany and Italy, but that is an old problem.
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