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 bumbling ['bʌmblɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 妄自尊大的

  1. What are you bumbling (on) about?
  2. "The old lady kept bumbling on about something, but nobody could understand her."
  3. The bumbling of our salesman cost us the account.

[ adj ]
lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands
a bumbling mechanica bungling performance
ham-handed governmental interference
could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature

bumbling \bumbling\ adj.
not skillful in physical movement especially with the hands;
as, a bumbling mechanic.

Syn: bungling, butterfingered, ham-fisted, ham-handed,
handless, heavy-handed, left-handed.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Yet what do these incompetent, bumbling officers do?
  2. Not surprisingly, this scrutiny finds much bumbling.
  3. Jim Jordan, who delighted radio audiences for decades as the well-meaning but bumbling Fibber McGee in the classic show "Fibber McGee and Molly," died Friday.
  4. On Christmas Eve, he faces embezzlement charges after his bumbling uncle loses $8,000 of the savings and loan's money.
  5. And what a relief we don't have to suffer through ABC's bumbling Jim McKay or CBS's mush-mouth Brent Musburger.
  6. Only Paxton Whitehead, as a well-meaning but bumbling neighbor, manages to rise above the drivel.
  7. In the article, Mr. Low observed that the bar was "bumbling along" in the matter, that the alleged offenses were relatively minor and that the bar staff was no match for the Alioto defense team.
  8. He often complained humorously that he had difficulty getting people to take him seriously in real life because of the bumbling comedy character he played.
  9. Down with the Communist Party!" Li Peng, the Chinese premier who ordered the crackdown, was portrayed on posters as Dracula and Howe as a bumbling panda.
  10. The indictment ended a bumbling three-year investigation during which investigators were branded incompetent by several official inquiries.
  11. At a minimum, Mr. Skinner must help Mr. Bush's White House recover its political footing after weeks of bumbling and flip-flops for which the combative Mr. Sununu received much of the blame.
  12. "I may feel nervous," she says, "but I don't look like a bumbling fool; I'm not sweating up a storm" on tape.
  13. John Candy as a bumbling detective.
  14. His bumbling effort invariably was interrupted by the "bong-bong" of the door chimes at 79 Wistful Vista.
  15. I decided on the latter approach." A gang of bumbling burglars dressed up as Japanese Ninja warriors has botched most of its heists so far, managing to burn up $7,000 while trying to open safes with a blowtorch.
  16. But to date, Democrats' support has been muted by loyalty to their leaders, and in response to administration bumbling in past negotiations.
  17. Most of all, he resents her bumbling, dogged and sometimes deceitful attempts to make things turn out better for their would-be rock star son and his ex-wife.
  18. In "Kudzu," the bumbling Rev. Will B. Dunn just ran for president.
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