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 battering ['bætəriŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] 打碎, 捶薄, 混合

  1. Someone is battering at the door.
  2. He kept battering (away) at the door.
  3. The waves are battering at the shore.

[ noun ]
the act of subjecting to strong attack

Batter \Bat"ter\ (b[a^]t"t[~e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Battered}
(b[a^]t"t[~e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Battering}.] [OE. bateren,
OF. batre, F. battre, fr. LL. battere, for L. batuere to
strike, beat; of unknown origin. Cf. {Abate}, {Bate} to
1. To beat with successive blows; to beat repeatedly and with
violence, so as to bruise, shatter, or demolish; as, to
batter a wall or rampart.

2. To wear or impair as if by beating or by hard usage.
``Each battered jade.'' --Pope.

3. (Metallurgy) To flatten (metal) by hammering, so as to
compress it inwardly and spread it outwardly.

battering \bat"ter*ing\ n.
the act or process of subjecting to strong repeated blows.

Syn: banging.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. It means nothing." As Mr. Suda's personal experience shows, the market battering that traumatized big investors in the first three months of this year has proven surprisingly painless to Japan's, and the world's, economy.
  2. Underscoring the deep crisis battering Scandinavian banking, KOP predicted it will swing to a pretax loss of one billion markkaa ($229 million) this year, from a pretax profit of 627 million markkaa a year earlier.
  3. Worries about interest rates and a proposed tax bill are battering takeover stocks.
  4. A University of Florida freshman listed as a suspect in the slayings of five students confessed to battering his grandmother and asked repeatedly "Why did I do it?," an ambulance driver testified Tuesday.
  5. This requires market players to cover any paper losses showing on their positions. 'The market has taken such a battering that it's very jumpy,' said one London trader.
  6. Labor, which took a battering in recent municipal elections, is bracing for its toughest-ever battle to retain control of the organization it has always dominated.
  7. The bank's international reputation had received a severe battering due to the foreign exchange fiasco. Imposition of the recent restrictions raised a few eyebrows in the international banking community.
  8. External and internal pressures on Japan to fix its trade imbalance contributed to the lessening of confidence in that nation and the battering of the yen.
  9. In the present drug "war," long-cherished constitutional protections are being shunted aside with the same elan as Chief Darrell Gates's battering ram bashing in the doors of suspected crack houses in Los Angeles.
  10. The battering from vandals occurred only three weeks before the church marked its 100th anniversary and while its continued existence was considered uncertain by the Detroit archdiocese.
  11. Torrential rains and winds of up to 50 mph hammered Kentucky late Wedneday night, battering at least 15 homes at a trailer park outside Elizabethtown and injuring several residents.
  12. PUBLISHING NOW edited by Peter Owen Peter Owen Pounds 12.95, 175 pages PUBLISHING, like other industries, is starting to pick itself up from the floor after the battering it received during the recession.
  13. But Atlanta, once it decided to enter the fray, has come on like a battering ram.
  14. Weather forecasters said the near-stationary front responsible for the battering storm continued to drift north.
  15. Primarily a domestic company, it seems sheltered from the high international value of the yen and the incipient protectionism around the globe that are battering many other Japanese companies.
  16. The miners took over the business district, town hall and airport, battering pedestrians and breaking windshields of passing cars, said police Capt.
  17. Before a jury could be chosen from our ranks, the defendant pleaded guilty to some less serious form of battering her infant children.
  18. Typhoon Ofelia headed for Taiwan on Saturday after battering the northern Philippines with heavy winds and rain.
  19. That drop follows a battering of the company's stock last Thursday after the company stunned analysts with a negative sales and earnings forecast.
  20. The police department's special weapons and tactics team was called in, then the department's armored car equipped with a battering ram, which is usually used against the heavily fortified homes of drug dealers.
  21. The Serbs inherited the battering ram and the Croats the mist.
  22. The second, which arrived after a day of mild weather, dished out its worst in the middle of the night, battering us with 55-knot winds and waves as high as 35 feet from the tip to the middle.
  23. The commercial was Richards' first post-primary television ad and came after weeks of battering from Williams' TV commercials.
  24. Police searched for Ramon Salcido, 28, who fled with the three girls after going on the shooting, battering and stabbing spree in northern California's wine-making region on Friday, Sonoma County Sheriff Richard Michaelsen said.
  25. Gov. Richard Celeste on Friday granted clemency to 25 women prisoners who he said committed crimes because they were victims of battering or other forms of physical or emotional abuse.
  26. Until the civil RICO statute is changed, it remains a battering ram for plaintiffs with quixotic political causes to open the doors of federal courts.
  27. OIL AND GOLD PRICES soared on heightened Mideast tensions, renewing inflation fears and battering bond and stock prices.
  28. Speculative liquidation added to the battering, and three-month copper dropped below Dollars 2,200 a tonne. Analysts said further losses were possible, and would not rule out a move to Dollars 2,000 a tonne.
  29. Students' real income has taken a remarkably heavy battering and the sluggish economy has removed a great proportion of the potential to supplement income through part-time employment.
  30. After 190 minutes of battering us with the unproven iniquities of America's ruling class, Stone holds up the legal travesty of Shaw's 'innocence' as proof that we are all guilty.
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