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 atrophy ['ætrəfɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 萎缩, 萎缩症

[医] 萎缩

  1. Muscles that are not used will atrophy.
  2. If that pledge is to be kept, the bank cannot atrophy.
  3. Muscles may atrophy or lose their tone, but they won't turn to fat.

[ noun ]
  1. a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse

  2. <noun.state>
  3. any weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use)

  4. <noun.event>
[ verb ]
  1. undergo atrophy

  2. <verb.body>
    Muscles that are not used will atrophy

Atrophy \At"ro*phy\, n. [L. atrophia, Gr. ?; 'a priv. + ? to
nourish: cf. F. atrophie.]
A wasting away from lack of nourishment; diminution in bulk
or slow emaciation of the body or of any part. --Milton.

Atrophy \At"ro*phy\, v. t. [p. p. {Atrophied}.]
To cause to waste away or become abortive; to starve or

Atrophy \At"ro*phy\, v. i.
To waste away; to dwindle.

  1. Scientists worry about atrophy when humans spend long periods in zero gravity in space using just a fraction of their strength.
  2. Failure to keep walking causes muscle atrophy and degeneration of the rest of the body, he adds.
  3. Patrick Hogan, an abstract artist who had to use his mouth to hold a paintbrush because of a rare and progressive form of muscular atrophy, died of respiratory failure Thursday.
  4. Grigoryev said cosmonauts Musa Manarov and Vladimir Titov, who returned to Earth on Dec. 21 after a year in space, suffered some atrophy of their calf muscles and some loss of calcium, as have other cosmonauts.
  5. It has been known for years that astronauts' muscles atrophy during space flights, even relatively short ones.
  6. The explosion has come to represent the atrophy of the Soviet Union and 'its subsequent melt-down', as Read puts it.
  7. "That December, they told us Mike had a motor neuron disease causing the muscles to atrophy," his wife says. "There's no known cause or cure." The following year paralysis consumed Aria's body and their circus careers came to an end.
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