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 arteriosclerosis [ɑr'tɪrɪ`osklɪ'rosɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 动脉硬化

[医] 动脉硬化

  1. Narrowing of blood vessels in the heart and the rest of the body by arteriosclerosis.-
  2. Conclusion The effects of tongsaimai pian on arteriosclerosis obliterans( aso) were remarkable.
  3. Conclusion The tension of office brainwork may have an effect on ocular fundus arteriosclerosis.

[ noun ]
sclerosis of the arterial walls

Arteriosclerosis \Ar*te`ri*o*scle*ro"sis\
([aum]r*t[=e]`r[i^]*[-o]*skl[-e]*r[=o]"s[i^]s), n. [NL.; Gr.
? artery + sclerosis.] (Med.)
a chronic disease characterized by abnormal thickening and
hardening of the walls of the arteries, esp. of the intima,
occurring mostly in old age. Subtypes are distinguished, such
as {arteriolosclerosis} and {atherosclerosis}. --
{Ar*te`ri*o*scle*rot"ic}, a.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

  1. On the other hand, some illnesses such as arteriosclerosis were under-treated. Savings could be made in distribution and dispensing for which European governments were paying too much.
  2. Both catheter devices are used to unblock coronary arteries in patients suffering from arteriosclerosis.
  3. For years, it produced a drug called dextran sulfate to treat arteriosclerosis and high cholesterol.
  4. It is used to unblock coronary arteries in patients suffering from arteriosclerosis.
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