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 allies ['ælaiz, ə'laiz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. [一次大战]协约国

  1. Mr.Gorbachev and his reformist Kremlin allies are prepared to tolerate, even encourage, moderate nationalists who challenge central control and demand autonomy. But Moscow rightly feels that, in a polyglot country with102 dif
  2. The nations allied against the Central Powers of Europe during World War I. They were Russia, France, Great Britain, and later many others, including the United States.

[ noun ]
  1. the alliance of nations that fought the Axis in World War II and which (with subsequent additions) signed the charter of the United Nations in 1945

  2. <noun.group>
  3. in World War I the alliance of Great Britain and France and Russia and all the other nations that became allied with them in opposing the Central Powers

  4. <noun.group>
  5. an alliance of nations joining together to fight a common enemy

  6. <noun.group>

Ally \Al*ly"\, n.; pl. {Allies}. [See {Ally}, v.]
1. A relative; a kinsman. [Obs.] --Shak.

2. One united to another by treaty or league; -- usually
applied to sovereigns or states; a confederate.

The English soldiers and their French allies.

3. Anything associated with another as a helper; an

Science, instead of being the enemy of religion,
becomes its ally. --Buckle.

4. Anything akin to another by structure, etc.

  1. The Soviet Union today sent medical supplies to Romania and appealed to its Warsaw Pact allies to help support the uprising against Nicolae Ceausescu, but it appeared to rule out military intervention.
  2. The plan comes just three days before a meeting between the two Germanys and the four World War II allies that divided Germany _ the Soviet Union, United States, Britain, and France _ to discuss the international ramifications of German unity.
  3. Delvalle fired military strongman Manuel Antonio Noriega last Thursday but the defense chief ignored the order and rallied his allies in the National Assembly against the president.
  4. But he says the United States and the allies should go slow in making deals with Moscow.
  5. De Benedetti, who spent some $1.7 billion to raise his Societe Generale holdings, claims he and his allies control 48 percent of the company.
  6. The final round of unification talks must be concluded between the four World War II allies _ the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and France.
  7. At his height he was one of the closest allies of Baroness Thatcher, the former prime minister. He was the epitome of a Thatcherite minister, a grammar-school boy who worked his way to the top.
  8. The fact that other close allies of Musavi won the vote of confidence indicated that a head-on clash between radicals and conservatives over Iran's postwar economic policy has been averted, at least for now.
  9. Anything less would jeopardize not only our security _ and that of our friends and allies _ but also would dim the prospects for further negotiated agreements with our adversaries.
  10. On Monday, Baker told NATO allies that Saddam he expects may pull some of his troops out of Kuwait by Jan. 15 - the U.N. deadline for an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait - in an effort to split international opposition.
  11. Under the plan announced last month in Ottawa, the two Germanys will first discuss their common approach to unification and submit that to the four World War II allies.
  12. Mr. Eizenstat and some congressional allies also made calls, and the tax break was eventually fully restored.
  13. They accurately predicted to the White House what Saddam Hussein's overall strategy would be toward the U.S. and its allies, including the launching of Scud missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia, and the destruction of Kuwaiti oil wells.
  14. He is acting openly as an Iraqi nationalist, and he is indifferent to whether he has any allies.
  15. On Friday, Saddam urged the people of Egypt and the Persian Gulf states to revolt against their governments and join Iraq in a holy war against the West and its allies in the region.
  16. NATO defense ministers Thursday urged U.S. allies to boost defense spending, upgrade military equipment and play a greater role in maintaining a strong Western alliance.
  17. Dukakis aides and allies said they were considering a harbor event of their own to answer the expected Bush attacks on Dukakis' handling of the harbor project.
  18. The Armed Services Committee report estimates that the U.S. and its allies could initially lose 10 or more planes a day.
  19. The National Front had 130, and its allies had 132 for a total of 262.
  20. Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa is running a strong, thematic campaign but is prompting even some of his allies to worry that voters may tire of his superheated rhetoric.
  21. Baker called Gorbachev's proposal "very interesting," but said at a news conference Friday night in Moscow the Bush administration could not reply without consulting the allies.
  22. Several lawmakers urged Mr. Watkins to push U.S. allies to tap their reserves, too.
  23. Israeli officials are concerned that President Bush's administration, eager to please the new Arab allies who have joined the campaign against Iraq, will apply pressure on Israel to make concessions for peace.
  24. Soviets are not believed among those used as "human shields." Saddam has said he would free all hostages between Christmas and March 25 provided Washington and its allies do not take military action.
  25. Kosovo Polje, or the field of blackbirds, was the site of a bloody battle in 1389 that pitted the Orthodox Serb Empire and its Christian allies against Ottoman Turks.
  26. The United States and its NATO allies should revise their joint defense compact to shift more of the financial and military burden onto the Europeans, a new study has concluded.
  27. He declined to comment on the reasons for the delayed contributions from other allies.
  28. All the allies must agree that future NATO policy matters reflect a progressively larger European influence.
  29. West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl sought to calm fears among the NATO allies on Thursday by promising to keep them fully informed on plans to forge a new German state.
  30. Shultz asked Thatch to discuss resettlement of the released prisoners in the United States, a move which "reflects our continuing concern for the welfare of our former allies," Redman added.
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