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 Ahvaz   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The U.N. observers' base camp, which comprises neat rows of portable cabins pained white, is about 25 miles south of Ahvaz, capital of Iran's oil-rich Khuzestan province and one of the most heavily damaged regions during the war.
    2. The Iraqi News Agency reported that Iraqi warplanes bombed fuel storage tanks near the southern Iranian city of Ahvaz, scoring "destructive hits." There was no immediate Iranian comment on the Iraqi reports.
    3. Iran's Islamic Republic News Agency, monitored in Cyprus, said Iraqi troops crossed into southern Iran and headed toward the oil city of Ahvaz.
    4. The Iranian agency said the Iraqis also launched air raids near the city of Ahvaz in the southwestern province of Khuzestan. "They were intercepted by heavy fire of the Iranian air defense gunners," IRNA said.
    5. A strong earthquake sharply jolted the city of Ahvaz in western Iran, but caused no loss of life or property, Tehran radio reported Wednesday.
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