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 acoustics [ə'kustɪks]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 音响效果, 声学

[化] 声学

[医] 声学

  1. The acoustics of the hall are so good that you can hear everything even from the cheapest seats.
  2. German physicist noted for his contributions to mathematics, acoustics, and the measurement of electrical resistance.
  3. The acoustics is a branch of physical.

[ noun ]
the study of the physical properties of sound

Acoustics \A*cous"tics\ (#; 277), n. [Names of sciences in -ics,
as, acoustics, mathematics, etc., are usually treated as
singular. See {-ics}.] (Physics.)
The science of sounds, teaching their nature, phenomena, and

Acoustics, then, or the science of sound, is a very
considerable branch of physics. --Sir J.

Note: The science is, by some writers, divided, into
diacoustics, which explains the properties of sounds
coming directly from the ear; and catacoustica, which
treats of reflected sounds or echoes.

  1. Carnegie Hall officials said Friday they are continuing to adjust the hall's acoustics to restore the sonic glory of the great hall that some critics said was lost in a 1986 interior renovation.
  2. McGegan caught the music's essential lyricism, and the 'period' instruments - beautiful winds - sounded smooth in the theatre's intimate acoustics. The Festival runs until September 9.
  3. Poor lighting and acoustics diminish effectiveness.
  4. The problems raise the question of whether acoustics is science, art or magic _ or luck. "To a certain extent you're shooting craps," admits Cyril Harris, an acoustician for almost 40 years.
  5. Both beginners and veteran pickers buy. Gibson Guitar chief Henry Juszkiewicz in Nashville, Tenn., says acoustics now have "the highest growth."
  6. 'Engineers are looking at acoustics much more.
  7. Rapid passage work was not cleanly articulated and the hall's brittle acoustics transformed the pounding double octaves into clangorous banging.
  8. None of these touches would matter a hoot, of course, if the acoustics were bleak, but months of model-building and tinkering with the baffles underneath the balconies seem to have paid off for Peter George, the acoustical designer.
  9. The acoustics have been the source of controversy since it was opened, but there can surely be no disagreement over the wrong-end-of-the-telescope reductive impact they are forcing on Puccini's vocal lines.
  10. And Tom Petty's new record is full of songs written on 6-string and 12-string acoustics.
  11. Dittmann says the hall's computer-analyzed acoustics are excellent.
  12. Flanked by three smaller glass pyramids and night-lighted fountains, the pyramid crowns a vast, underground lobby featuring ticket windows, boutiques, an expanded bookstore and a 400-seat auditorium with top-quality acoustics.
  13. Cheaper imports still swamp U.S. sales in both electric and acoustics, says the American Music Conference.
  14. On top of that, unlike the staged tourisma at the Opry, where musicians play in a plush theater boasting some of the best acoustics East of the Mississippi, here the stage is the barnyard.
  15. However great the hall's fame as a symbol of the city's past glories, it suffers from poor acoustics and design. The new hall will be a flagship for city-centre regeneration, opening up a derelict tract of land now used as a car park.
  16. Peter Wexler of New York designed and planned the project. Nicholas Goldsmith of New York was the tent's architect. Christopher Jaffe of Norwalk, Conn., provided the acoustics.
  17. Even the hall's chairs have been designed with acoustics in mind: There are small holes which allow the sound to pass through when they are empty.
  18. The 2,700-seat main auditorium _ a contemporary blend of black and white with oak-paneled walls and hardwood floors _ was designed for acoustics.
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