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 类时间隔 添加此单词到默认生词本
timelike interval

  1. 同时介绍由类时间隔事件的性质间接解释“爱氏火车”一例的方法。
    According to the property of the time - like interval events, the method of indirect explaining the example "Einstein Train" is also introduced.
  2. orderprocessingservice负责根据在AppConfig . properties文件中指定的轮询时间处理购买订单。
    The OrderProcessingService class is responsible for processing purchase orders, and it does so based on the polling interval you specify in the AppConfig.properties file.
  3. 结果表明,上海股市交易的时间具有很强的聚性,较长的交易时间表明市场上没有新的信息。
    The research shows that Shanghai Stock's duration has strong clustering, and long duration means no new information.

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