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 浩然正气 添加此单词到默认生词本
noble spirit

  1. 从这些烈士们的身上我认识到共产党人的浩然正气,也明白了为什么高高飘扬的国旗这样鲜艳?
    From these martyrs of the people I know that members of the awe-inspiring righteousness, but also understand why the national flag fly high so bright?
  2. 摘要毛泽东独特的精神风貌,集中体现他的“四气”上,即浩然正气、高远志气、弥天勇气、恢宏大气。
    Mao Ze-dong's unique spiritual style was mainly prescribed in his "four spirits": noble integrity high ideal; great courage and unselfish generosity.
  3. 全党同志始终保持共产党人的蓬勃朝气、昂扬锐气和浩然正气,永远同人民群众心连心,党的执政基础就坚如磐石。
    So long as all Party comrades always maintain the vigorvitality, dashing spiritintegrity as Communistshave the people at heart, the foundation of our Party's governance will remain rock solid.

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