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 卸职 [xiè zhí添加此单词到默认生词本
be relieved of one’s office

  1. 也门总统阿里·阿卜杜拉·萨利赫表示,他将在未来几天内卸职
    The President of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has said he will leave power in the coming days.
  2. 自从2008年卸职总统以来,普金一直担任俄罗斯总理,外界对他的嘲讽也很少。而此间官方媒体则将这位前克格勃特工当作俄罗斯应对此次危机的掌舵人。
    Public satire of Putin, who stepped down as president in 2008 to become prime minister, is rare and state media present the former KGB spy as the main figure handling the crisis.
  3. 奥巴马表示,罗默在卸职后将继续作为白宫经济复苏顾问委员会的成员为美国政府提供咨询。
    Obama said Romer would continue to provide guidance as a member of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

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